Cloud monitoring framework


Is enabling the “Internet of Things” to become a reality. Their cloud platform gives App Developers easy tools to build apps beyond the smartphone, to connect to smart devices using sensors, like smart thermostats, smart clothing, smart cars, and billions of other new smart devices now spreading across the globe, in our homes, on our bodies, and all around us.

Push Technology

Deliver Data on Demand out beyond the edge. Our intelligent data distribution platform Diffusion delivers any data, to any device, anywhere.


Supplies the software platforms, tools and services they need to deliver the performance, scalability, efficiency, flexibility and robustness they require. Utilizes industry standards, open source licensing and product excellence to deliver both performance and cost advantages for our customers.


Is a leader in RF communication technology for wireless connected home applications, offering innovative ultra-low power wireless data communication controller chips for smart home applications for remote controls,energy efficiency, lighting, heating and HVAC, access control and security, in short, a wide range of smart home applications.

RDM Telematics

Supply a suite of cutting edge hardware and software solutions for vehicle tracking, data logging, remote diagnostics, asset management, fleet management and job dispatch. We cater for petrol, diesel and LPG vehicles and increasingly we are providing solutions for electric (EV), hybrid and range extended vehicles as well as small volume niche vehicles.


Neul has been a major contributor to the new air-interface, Weightless™, designed specifically for the Internet-of-Things/M2M market, and the open-standard on which our technology is based.


Berg is the missing link between the wireless chip in your new connected device, and your user-facing website or smartphone app. For your hardware, they provide a Device API. Manage all your devices using the Cloud API.


Things aggregator framework/dashboard interfaced with already existing Things to monitor and manage them.


EVRYTHNG is a Web of Things software company, making products smart by connecting them to the Web.


Flexeye designs, deploys and supports dynamic Operational Intelligence Systems that improve an organization’s operational efficiency.


Connected/smart sensors for smart cities, environment control, emergency, logistic, agriculture and remote management framework. Delivers a powerful, modular, easy to program open source sensor platform for the Internet of Things enabling system integrators to implement reliable Smart Cities and M2M


Cloud/software framework to remotely control and manage things (with particular attention to home appliances).


Xively is PaaS providing REST APIs, data services, directory services and business services to allow companies to exploit the IoT. It provides client-side libraries (e.g.