Engineering technologies


Is an open source project created for the enthusiasts that love measuring and controlling things wirelessly. panStamps are small wireless boards specially designed to fit in low-power applications, simple to program and simple to work with.


The combination of the unique and unusual nature of that access and the very different characteristics of machine traffic compared to human traffic means that using any existing standard is far from optimal. Hence, the need for a standard designed specifically for machine communications within white space.

The Incredible Machine

We are the design agency of the future, busy inventing how our everyday products will join our phones and tablets in the 21st century.


Designs, builds and manufactures electronics products.


THINGS.IS a physical/digital design agency. Focus on strategy, design, consulting, and technology. They invent and craft innovative product and service experiences for web, mobile and the physical world.


Alima is a smart device to monitor indoor air quality, sending you messages about pollution levels and predictions of upcoming events. By learning our indoor environment and habits, alima helps to change the behaviors that contribute to pollution.


Xively is PaaS providing REST APIs, data services, directory services and business services to allow companies to exploit the IoT. It provides client-side libraries (e.g.